Trade unions in the process of changes in the posting of workers in the European Union


  • Jakub A. Kus Trade Union ‘Budowlani’


trade unions, posting of workers, social security, European Union, Directive 2018/957, Directive 2014/67/EU


The purpose of the article is to present the position of Polish and European trade unions in the area of  legislative and organizational changes in the area of posting workers, social security of posted workers, monitoring and  control mechanisms related to the implementation of Directives 2018/957 and 2014/67/EU. In the  first part of the article, the author presents the status of work on the abovementioned changes and key areas of consultation for their final effect, mainly regarding the implementation of new tools to improve the posting process, but also the limitations nal effect, mainly regarding the implementation of new tools to improve the posting process, but also the limitations of this process. In the second part, the author presents the position of European and Polish trade unions towards key  proposals of the European Commission and presents the historical evolution of the position of Polish trade union organizations towards the conditions of posting workers and defending their interests.


