Weakening the position of older people in the labour market during pandemic 2020–2021: true or false



  • Bogusława Urbaniak Chair of Labour and Social Policy, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz


labour market, labour activity, young workers, older workers, Covid-19


The negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have affected working groups in the EU27 to varying
degrees. Age is one of the characteristics determining the scale of experienced difficulties in the labour market. t is not only about the issues of discrimination,  but also the weakening of human capital in the case of older people, who are less able to cope with, inter alia the progressive digitisation of the economy.  On the other hand, the youngest generation, entering the labour market, more digitalised,  however, does not yet have a set of desirable employee competences that would guarantee them a relatively sustainable position on the labour market.  The aim of the article is to analyse the situation on the labour market in EU countries of two groups of working people, i.e. the youngest (youth) and the older workers. Eurostat data showing changes in the labour market in 2020 and 2021 were used and compared with data for 2019, which was taken as the reference year.  It was assumed that the group that weakened its position in the labour market as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic are employed people aged 55 and over. The conducted analyses did not confirm  the adopted assumption, as it turned out that older people were more resistant to the turmoil caused by the pandemic  than the youngest working people.  Possible factors that could have influenced this state of affairs were indicated, additionally taking into account the perspective of changes in the nature and conditions of work.  Greater attention was paid to systemic
changes in Poland encouraging people of retirement age to extend their professional activity.


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2023-08-29 — Updated on 2023-11-06
