Current challanges of the Polish social security system (selected issues)
social security, social insurance, Social Insurance Fund, special non-contributory benefits, independency, new forms of work, Social Insurance InstitutionAbstract
The principles of the Polish social security system have been formulated nearly three decades ago. They function in a dynamically changing socio-economic reality. The current challenges lead to the redefinition ofof the paradigms that rule the scope and forms of social security. New institutional and organisational solutions, based on modern technologies, are being implemented. The article refers to the selected determinants of changes that are taking place in echnologies, are being implemented. The article refers to the selected determinants of changes that are taking place in
the field of social security, especially in social insurance in Poland. Attention was paid to the challenges resulting from eld of social security, especially in social insurance in Poland. Attention was paid to the challenges resulting from the population aging and the growing phenomenon of dependency, as well as to the problems associated with social protection for persons employed in new forms of work. The development of a new element of the system was indicated: non-contributory social benefits for the most vulnerable groups of society. The changing role and tasks of the Social Insurance Institution were outlined, as well as the new customer service standards implemented in this organisation. The article concludes by describing social security challenges that still need to be resolved.
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