The situation of Polish citizens in the British social security system – the results of research by Professor Simon Roberts
Słowa kluczowe:
social security, Polish citizens in the UK, benefits, contributions, Simon RobertAbstrakt
The paper presents conditions of the situation of Polish nationals in the British social security system since Polish accession to the European Union. It presents an analysis of statistical data showing the structure of immigrants to Britain after the borders were opened to workers from the “new” EU Member States. The development also includes a representation of the conditions that are imposed on immigrants in order for them to receive such benefits as British State Pension and Child Benefits. The article is based on a lecture by Prof. Simon Roberts delivered at an international conference entitled “Re-emigration of Polish citizens –legal and social issues”, which took place on 5 September 2014, at the Andrzej B September 2014, at the Andrzej Bączkowski Centre for Social Dialogue.