The European social security coordination Regulations: 15 years after accession. Quo vadis?
Słowa kluczowe:
social fraud, social security coordination, EU lawAbstrakt
15 years after the introduction of EU Regulations on social security coordination – are they still relevant and ready for the coming decades? Will they stand the test of time, and have the past few years not taught us that additional reflections are needed? Is it perhaps not the time for a joint reflection about amending these important instruments of European integration? The purpose of the article is not to look back on over 60 years of history, but rather to make future projections based on past evolutions and identify challenges that may force the EU legislature to adapt, modify and further modernise the coordination Regulations. While some developments might lead to technical, cosmetic modifications, others will require brave decisions, as it cannot be excluded that certain challenges faced will question even some of the fundamental principles behind the current system of the coordination Regulations.